Sunday, February 20, 2011

Queens Court House Number

13 zodiacal signs? The Vampire Diaries


Circle by some news sites and now has 13 zodiacal signs, the truth I'm lost ...... Libra was a while ago and now I am Virgo! the new sign is actually the old zodiac sign is the sign used by Nostradamus thirteen ,

or Ophiuchus Ophiuchus (serpent bearer or Serpent) is one of the 88 modern constellations, and was one of 48 listed by Ptolemy . It can be seen in both hemispheres between the months of April to October because it was located on the celestial Ecuador.

North Ophiuchus is Hercules , southwest Sagittarius (Sagittarius ) and southeast Scorpio ( Scorpius) to the east found the head of the Serpent ( Serpens Caput ) and Libra , while to the west are Eagle (Aquila ), Sobieski's Shield (Scutum ) And Tail of the Serpent ( Serpens Cauda ). The constellation is flanked by the head and tail of the snake, which can be considered as a single constellation: Serpent (Serpens ), which crosses it. The resulting set is a man surrounded by a snake.

If the new zodiac would be accepted as follows:

Capricorn: January. 20 - Feb. 16

Aquarius: February 16-March 11

Pisces: March 11-April 18

Aries: April 18 to May 13

Taurus: May 13-June 21

Gemini: June 21-July 20

Cancer: July 20-August 10

Leo: August. 10 - Sept. 16

Virgo: Sept. 16 - Oct. 30

Libra: October 30-November 23

Scorpio: November 23-November 29

Ophiuchus: November 29 to December 17

Sagittarius: December 17-January 20

Thanks to: Surf Pyjamas and Wikipedia


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