all tests and doctors sides, today I feel as if running was not enough to leave behind the whole mess. This is the fourth day getting up at five o'clock, when the yellow lights are dead and lit streets that have nothing but mist to give me. I climb the narrow stairs of the gym, greeting the boy attends, coach Stalin and climb to the room where all youth summer stunts are deadly. Corro
listening to music, look at people moving from side to side, makes me think that I am a writer, I can be God and have caused thousands of births and deaths in these years of my life with just a pencil and a sheet.
listening to music, look at people moving from side to side, makes me think that I am a writer, I can be God and have caused thousands of births and deaths in these years of my life with just a pencil and a sheet.
Increase speed, my body burns from head to toe, plants m
and burn, my hands sweat, all that water that my body cries that tension seems to be awful, horrible thoughts, nightmares that haunt me at night, undead characters from my past that are worth remembering since human stones proved to be without conscience.

The sky lights up, my calves hurt but I'm running, I have wanted to scream, to shout a million things but I drink all down my mom because I expected and the glass may break because of my hurtful words. Maybe my receivers distracted me listen and wonder how it is possible that both things affect me. Am I not a person so strong? I refuse to answer that challenge, to that thought as false to think that everything is going well without question, only the dead, the dead are content to stay put and assume that everything goes well, corpses have been many people who have known in this short life.
try not to break up, the poets and the trees die standing, I promised to die standing, made the trunk and does not splinter, but not ash gunned unless my children decide cream because the closure would be terrible.
They gave medical exams to my dad and things are not right. I can assume the worst or will be improved soon. My mom is shocked at my insensitivity, can not believe that will not react like her know you want to mourn, but he does and I do not. In my family all the women are strong, do not cry in public, just in front of our own blood, endure the wickedness of the people, the blows of fate and not shed a tear in public, because we are strong women, all women my family die and die standing, although they are not poets.
Tonight I will pray with a feeling I never felt, the feeling of real closeness of the disaster. No such thing had happened to me before I pull up to my father, is the world's most terrible evil, and tear my mother. For more Dysfunctional that my family may not want to take away pieces of my board.
Tonight I'll play the piano, and tomorrow I'll go running if I have strength, I pray for my father to heal, so I stop having nightmares, for God to heal my sick heart and my soul, I fear that some becomes a bit of a monster battleship.
I have fear that I swallow my strength, that I become numb, feel no pain and I denied the right to mourn as a human being. I have the full force of the world on my chest to make me mourn the floor as I've only done a few times in this life, but I do not.
"Woman of Steel my dad always tells me " You have to be a woman of steel ".
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